Mastering Pull Ups
The Keys To Mastering Pull Ups Pull ups and chin ups are just one of those exercises. No matter how hard you work at them they never seem to get easy. And that is [...]
4 Common Lifting Mistakes In OCR
There are a ton of mistakes you can make when training for an obstacle course race of course. It can be hard to boil it down to just 4. So I thought I would talk [...]
OCR Week In Review 6
Well luckily my fingers still work after my Spartan Ultra Beast this weekend. Pretty much everything hurts right now to move, but I have enough left in my hands and fingers to type this latest [...]
The Ultra Beast Experience
Let me start off by saying this. If I can run an Ultra Beast anyone can. My entire life I have been athletic, but have really only had much success at power type sports. Sprinting, [...]
OCR Week in Review 5
Back at it with another addition of my weekly OCR review of the week. As usual I have put together a few great resources that I have come across in the past week. While not [...]
My Favorite Grip Training Exercises
Running and grip strength. Can training for an obstacle course race be as simple as working on those two things? Well probably not, but these are two big areas that many still struggle with. I [...]
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