Back at it with another addition of my weekly OCR review of the week.  As usual I have put together a few great resources that I have come across in the past week.  While not all of them may be brand new material, it is at least something that I have recently come across and think might help you.  My goal is to provide you will a few great posts, articles, videos, etc. that involve quality tips on training, nutrition, recovery, or anything else that might help your performance.  Enjoy!


Top Running Post:

Do you get back pain when you run?  Sure there a many reasons why this may be happening, but lack of hip extension is a common one.  Check out this video that Justin Price with the Bio Mechanics Method put together on how you can help this.

Top Exercise Post:

Mike Robertson puts out all sorts of great information on training.  Here is a quick video where he shows you how to make your one arm row exercise more athletic.

Top Nutrition Post:

Nutrition is always such a tough topic to dissect.  There is so much information out there and it is often very conflicting.  While we should never rely solely on research for our information, it does help point the way sometimes.  In this study they looked at different factors of a diet that best helped predict weight loss and adherence to a program.  To cut a long story short, they found that the best predictor of weight loss and adherence to a calorie restricted diet was fiber intake.  So regardless of the type of diet you follow, if you are trying to lose weight, focus on getting fiber in.

Top Workout Post:

I have had SGX Coach Joseph Bautista on my podcast a few times.  In this video he shares what a Kettlebell Flow looks like and how you can use them to shake up your current routines.

Hope you guys enjoyed these.  If you come across any cool topics you think are worthy of going up here, let me know.



Mike Deibler

OCR Underground