The OCR Underground Show
Episode 65 Shownotes

Well I am in my taper week for my Ultra Beast, so with that extra time I have now from not running, I wanted to get out new episode for your listening pleasure.
In this episode, in the Inside Mike’s Mind segment, I get inside your mind. Are you your biggest limiting factor? Many people are getting in their own way. In fact I work with many clients on this topic. Here I discuss perception and how you can alter your perception for better results.
In my research review I discuss a study on concurrent training. This study looks at different volumes of performing strength and running at the same time to see how they impact each other. The results may influence how you structure your training plan.
And finally in our coach’s interview I have on SGX Coach Brad Sims.
Brad Sims has been a NASM certified personal trainer and a certified nutrition coach since 2012. He works with clients of all fitness levels and is also certified in corrective exercise training for those recovering from an injury or working with limitations in their training.
Coach Brad also has been an obstacle course racing coach since 2014, training beginner athletes to competitive racers, also participating in over 50 races himself from the 5k sprint lengths to the grueling Spartan Ultra-Beast.
Passionate about helping people live a healthier lifestyle thru nutrition and fitness, Coach Brad works closely with healthcare professionals as well as keeping up on the most up to date health and fitness information in order to bring you the most current and cutting edge methods to help you reach your goals.
All this and much more.
Links mentioned in the show:
Single Leg Squat Assessment: