homerComplexes are hands down one of my go to workouts when prepping for a Spartan Race.  If you are looking for a quick, high intensity workout, that will train your entire body, then complexes are for you.

Complexes are too complicated.  I know you don’t want to think much when you hit the gym.  You want to work hard and get results.  Don’t worry complexes are way easy then their name leads on.

Training with complexes has numerous benefits.  Some include:

  • Massive improvements in strength-endurance and conditioning
  • Grip strength improvements
  • Boost in metabolism
  • Incredibly time saver
  • Very Spartan Race specific training

If you have never heard of a complex before, think of it as circuit training on steroids.  A complex is simply a circuit using one piece of equipment, with the same loading for each exercises.  You typically pick up your piece of equipment, perform a variety of exercises, and don’t put the equipment down until you finish all exercises.

Complexes got their start with power lifting, but quickly spread to other fitness enthusiasts.  A IPF_World_Champion_Dean_Bowring_performing_the_three_Powerlifting_movestraditional complex would usually involve a barbell, but you can use any piece of equipment for this style of training.  You are only limited by your imagination.

For example, you could try a complex like this using a barbell.

Load a bar up with an appropriate weight (based off your weakest movement)

Perform 6 sets of 4 reps of each exercise.  Remember do not put the bar down until you have finished all lifts.

Barbell RDL
Barbell Bent Over Row
Barbell Hang Clean
Barbell Front Squat
Barbell Push Press

Once you finish all lifts you will rest for 60-90 seconds then go into your next set.

On paper sometimes these workouts don’t seem to bad, but trust me.  This workout will feel like you are running sprints.

Sometimes with complexes you will see body weight exercises thrown in as well.  This can be very effective.  The idea is that there is no to little rest between exercises, so you won’t want too many pieces of equipment because it takes too long to switch one to the other.  Here is an example of a KB and body weight complete:

Putting complexes together is pretty simple.  Just take one piece of equipment and think of 2-8 exercises you can do with that weight.  Then do them all back to back and you have a complex.

If you need some more ideas you can check out my DVD Exercise Complexes Made Simple.  You will find over 50 done for you complexes using various equipment like Barbells, Kettlebells, Dumbells, Medicine Balls, TRX, Battling Ropes, and more.

Right now we are giving access to this DVD completely free with you sign up for our regular Spartan Underground Membership.  So instead of paying $20 for the DVD you can get it free.  Just click the link below to create your membership now.


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