Are You Ready For THE Best OCR Specific Certification?

Obstacle Course Racing and Hybrid Racing are among the fast growing recreational activities.  More and more individuals are getting hooked by these incredible sports and are actively looking for qualified coaches to help them reach their goals.

You may already be actively participating in OCR or maybe your getting more clients asking you about training for them.  If you aren’t staying on top of the latest research and training methods in this field, you may be missing out.  OCR athletes are looking for help getting started safely in this sport as well as taking their training to the next level.  Are you prepared to help take on these clients and show them success?

One of the reasons this sport has become so popular is because it requires so many different skills in order to be successful.  The best athletes are those that are solid runners and have the strength and skill needed to complete obstacles efficiently.  This means coaches working in this area need to be proficient at instructing a variety of different skills for both endurance and strength athletes.

In the past the typical training methods involved grip work, HIIT training, and maybe some practicing on obstacles.  This might lead to short term success, but training methods for this sport have evolved and so must coaches in order to have success.

In order to be a successful coach you must be an expert in a variety of training, nutrition, and recovery methods.

This is where the Certified OCR Specialist was born.  With the idea that coaches  needed a strong background in so many areas.  They need to understand how to make their clients better runners with proper endurance training methods.  They need to be stronger and more resilient with functional strength training strategies.  They need to understand proper nutrition and recovery modalities to enhance training adaptations.  They need to be effective in training strategies for overcoming common obstacles.  And they need to understand the mental training aspect.

Many certifications focus on one or two of these areas, but this course dives deep into all of the necessary areas that must be used.  This course includes over 13 hours of video lecture, a huge exercise library, training templates to help you get started, and a 127 page course manual to cover everything you need in order to see massive improvements in your training programs.

The course includes:

  • Module 1: Recovery Strategies
    • Learn common recovery methods used to enhance training adaptations
  • Module 2: Energy Systems Development
    • Learn the physiology behind endurance training and how to use zone based training
  • Module 3: Nutrition for Performance
    • Understand the best nutrition strategies to complement endurance training and fueling during races
  • Module 4: Strength Training
    • Gain insight into functional based training and how to make clients stronger and more resilient
  • Module 5:  Tactical Skill
    • Discover the essential skills needed for common obstacles as well as common strategies
  • Module 6:  Effective Programming
    • Learn how to put all of this into practice with effective preseason and in season training, plus get training templates to help you along the way.
  • Module 7:  Mental Training Strategies
    • Discover different coping strategies to make your clients mentally tougher to take on bigger challenges.

Set yourself apart from other coaches with this complete training system.  You will learn everything needed to be successful plus systems to help you put them in place.

Right now I am looking for 10 Beta Testers to be the first official Certified OCR Specialists.  The first 10 to sign up with receive $100 off the program by using code COCRS100.

To claim your spot click on the link below.


If you have any questions about the program please email me at