
The Truth About Heart Rate Based Training

I recently heard a clip of Dr. Peter Attia talking about garbage zones.  You may have also heard of the term junk miles.  He said something along the lines that you either need to be [...]

How To Strength Train For Obstacle Course Racing

There are many aspects of training that you must consider in order to be success at OCR.  You need to be an efficient runner and be skilled to complete obstacles.  If you can do those [...]

The Truth About Ice Baths

The Truth About Ice Baths Cold plunges and ice baths have gotten incredibly popular over the past few years.  Personally, I really love the benefits from doing cold water immersion, but a lot of the [...]

Simple Guide To Ice Bath Recovery

There is no doubt about it.  Ice baths are incredibly popular right now.  This trend can be incredibly useful, if you are doing it properly and doing it for the right reasons. I have been [...]

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