Foam rolling should be a staple to your exercise program.  There is no question about it.  It is probably the closest thing to a magic bullet we have in the training world.  What actually happens during a foam rolling session is a debated topic.  Some claim that adhesions or scar tissue is broken up.  This is probably not the case.  Use a foam roller will likely not be enough of a stimulus to create tissue change like this.

More likely water is moving in and out of the tissue and well as better blood flow.  On top of this, aspects of the nervous system are likely affected by the rolling helping the tissue relax.  Whatever the reason may not matter.  It is great when we can fully explain phenomenons that occur in the body, but when it works it is really all that matters.

I have seen amazing things happen after a few minutes on a foam roller in my clients and myself.  Once you have mastered the basics on the roller it might be time to step it up and try a few more advanced techniques.

Check out this video of 3 techniques to get more out of your foam rolling.

If you do not have any foam rollers or are looking for high quality, durable self myofascial release tools check out what Mobilitas has to offer.