The OCR Underground Show

Episode 54 Show Notes

Are you ready to take on the Ultra Beast?  Or really any ultra endurance event.  If so you better have a plan in place and you better follow through.  Better yet, get some training advice from some of the best in the business.

In this special Ultra Beast episode I dive deep into Ultra training with three elite coaches.  They discuss the most important aspects you MUST consider with training from running, to strength, to fueling, to staying healthy, and must more.

I discuss these crucial elements of training with CJ Wagner from Misfit Strength and Conditioning, Mike King from Kings Camps and Fitness, and Gary Lombardo with Ascend Sports Conditioning.

If you have ever thought about training for an Ultra Beast or have already signed up you won’t want to miss these awesome tips on how to best prepare yourself for the ultimate challenge.


Links Mentioned In The Show:

The Spartan Ultra Beast:

CJ’s Blog Post on his Ultra Experience:

Misfit Strength and Conditioning:

Gym Jones:

Mike King’s First Podcast Interview:

Kings Camp and Fitness:

Mike’s FB Page:

Ascend Sports Conditioning: